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Hair Color: Red
Age: 48
Name: Jack3112022
Status: Separated
City: Fredericksburg, Ohio

I'm a lover of all types and sizes flashing anybody so please send me a message and we can hook up. I have no aspirations or dreams that this is going to end up with anything, honestly this has been one hell of a wasted money effort given its the same 10 profiles every time and since it didn't work before why should it work now. Looking to connect & chat with a woman, to explore similar likes/ fantasies, be friends or other TBD.....?
Hair Color: Blonde
Age: 27
Name: Open_book46
Status: Divorced
City: Ogden, Utah

The mind is more important than the body. Australian bi orgies. I'm just looking for open people who know what they want and can be equally fun and debaucherous while also being easy to talk to and spend time with.
My desire is simple, enjoy pleasure and passion.
Hair Color: Chestnut
Age: 21
Name: keventew393
Status: Single
City: Akutan, Alaska

Takes care of yourself and able to hold a conversation. If you're interested in chatting, feel free to hmu.
Hot pussy doggers. We are both newly retired from law enforcement and we are enjoying the best years of our lives. Asian male 50s, fit, lean, DDF, fully vaccinated and respectful.
Hair Color: Black
Age: 23
Name: TabathaPelayo
Status: No Strings Attached
City: Chromo, Colorado

You should be well endowed, super clean, DDF (goes without saying) enjoy more of the top role.

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Depending on schedule, it is possible that I can host.
Hair Color: Blonde
Age: 38
Name: vegashert
Status: No Strings Attached
City: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Mid-forties man, veteran, artist, photographer. I'm a bi guy who thrives on adventure and connection. I'm primarily interested in sex, no relationships. One of us will be happy to play!
Hair Color: Chestnut
Age: 25
Name: KarynCordell
Status: No Strings Attached
City: Carlin, Nevada

Hi, We are a sexy couple looking for another woman to join us. We should all listen sometimes. I am in a complicated situation.
Hair Color: Chestnut
Age: 43
Name: ShellyB27
Status: Married
City: Johnson City, Tennessee

I love life and all that it can be. Look for smart, funny, loyal, trust, family oriented, head on shoulders, lady, naughty. Been told I am a unicorn because I love to give pleasure. Easy going, likes to kick back and have good times!
Open to hot wife/ cuckold relationship. I like to watch and exchange dirty pics with you.
Hair Color: Chestnut
Age: 31
Name: johnsfunletsgo
Status: Divorced
City: Bromont, Quebec

Try me and who knows I might be a regular for you. Maybe eventually have FFM, but if not just you & me is good too! I don't need, nor do I use Viagra. Size love to lick your pussy all the time just cum in my mouth surprize me when you need cleaned up just sit 69 four on my face.
Need to be on a level, playful and open minded. Very very very oral, groups are fun.