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Hair Color: Auburn
Age: 56
Name: Sayresbayes1977
Status: Single
City: Enid, Oklahoma

Hello there, my name is Jeff and I'm a funny guy looking to have fun fun fun !

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Hair Color: Red
Age: 57
Name: klemensDisilvio984
Status: No Strings Attached
City: Enid, Oklahoma

Thanks for reading my profile and hopefully we'll have some fun. Looking for the right partner for a long-term relationship but we are open and see other people. Fuck girls eating time. I don't have a paying account so I can't see emails Need your permission to reply back,, along with the sites other restrictions.
Hair Color: Brown
Age: 22
Name: DeLeo2131
Status: Separated
City: Enid, Oklahoma

I love to watch her taking a huge cock, but NOT interested in being a degraded cuck. Someone who's a little older then I someone I can learn from and gain experience with. Safe play only. A friend who knows some of my favorite women from the past suggested that I seem to like "bitches" She was kidding but she had a point.

In order for me to visit, I need to be invited by a member. Someone who doesn't mind quickies in the car if the mood strikes.

Hair Color: Red
Age: 58
Name: browns4ever99
Status: No Strings Attached
City: Enid, Oklahoma

I always think of the welfare of my family and loved ones.

Well I like a woman to be able to laugh at herself not just at others. Fuck women in Creedmoor, NC. 38 years of age.

Hair Color: Grey
Age: 57
Name: Holdenkent14
Status: Single
City: Enid, Oklahoma

A fun out going girl.that would a.third for a threesum. I am looking for one whos missing fun, intimacy and some spark in theirlife.

Prefer somebody who likes to hang out in person over a phone or computer. I am married and she doesn't know I am here shhhhhhh!!! Submissive, obedient woman who understands power dynamics (or wants to learn) and will treat me with respect and never betray me.

Hair Color: Grey
Age: 37
Name: rm_stav321
Status: No Strings Attached
City: Enid, Oklahoma

I'm pretty much a piece of fucking shit. Imperfectly perfect. I assure all My will be satisfied with Me because I am respectful of their privacy and limits. Sending another 15 won't help.
Hair Color: Red
Age: 26
Name: griffcribbs851
Status: No Strings Attached
City: Enid, Oklahoma

Drink socially. Whether your experienced or new to this, chemistry and mutual respect are key.
Hair Color: Grey
Age: 54
Name: Bipolarpirate555
Status: Separated
City: Enid, Oklahoma

I'm a quiet person, and quite shy at first. Confidence is sexy and if you are comfortable in your own skin, have a cool vibe, and love to laugh if you seem interested you can give me some kind of notice before meeting in per I can find the free time so we can met.
Need to be on a level, playful and open minded. Very very very oral, groups are fun.